Flower Essences

Get unstuck from the old stories, patterns, and thought forms holding you back.Ā Flower essences are crafted to support emotional balance and spiritual growth, and designed to alignĀ you with your wild essence.

Flower Essences 101

Learn more about flower essences and how they can help support your growth, learning and adventure.

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Book aĀ Wild Alchemy Session

Letā€™s go on an adventure together. The purpose of a Wild Alchemy formulation session is to explore what crossroads you are at, what resistance you may be facing, or what dynamics are puzzling to you. We will be creating a custom flower essence at the end of the processĀ that will be mailed to you.

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Free Meditation: Root Into Your Plant Path

Together in this 20-minute meditation, we'll ground deep into the world, explore your unique path and meet a plant spirit ally to journey and support you through the next moon cycle.

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