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Discovering the Healing Power of Flower Essences

Jun 05, 2024

In this post, we'll dive into how I discovered flower essences, their history, their benefits, and how you can incorporate them into your life.

The Journey into Flower Essences

My journey with flower essences began with a question. While working with incredible women to build homepages, landing pages, online stores, and email sequences, I noticed a recurring theme in our conversations. These women often expressed emotional concerns—they worried their ideas weren't good enough, felt like impostors, and were generally unsure about their ventures.

This emotional language caught my attention, and I realized I needed better tools to support my clients. This realization led me to pause my digital marketing business and seek something new to add to my toolbox, bringing me to the world of flower essences.

Understanding Flower Essences

Flower essences are a form of subtle energy medicine that helps us process emotions and transmute old patterns. One of my favorite definitions comes from Abrah Arneson, an amazing herbalist from Ontario. She describes flower essences as containing the vibration or spirit of the plant. By placing flowers in water and allowing them to transfer their essence, we create a powerful healing tool that can shift entrenched attitudes and release emotions underlying physical ailments.

The Science and Spirit of Flower Essences

Plants, like humans, are living beings with DNA, the ability to respond to stimuli, and maintain homeostasis. This connection allows us to harness the spirit of plants through flower essences. One key principle in herbal medicine is the doctrine of signatures, which suggests that a plant's physical characteristics can indicate its healing properties. By observing and tuning into plants, we can understand how to use them effectively.

Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher, demonstrated that water has the ability to retain memory or consciousness depending on its environment. By placing flowers in water, we combine the living essence of the plant with the water's consciousness, creating a unique healing remedy.

The Pioneer of Flower Essences: Dr. Edward Bach

Dr. Edward Bach, a pioneer in flower essences, created the most widely known collection of essences, including the popular Rescue Remedy. In the 1930s, Bach, an unconventional doctor, discovered that physical symptoms were often linked to emotional and mental conditions. He sought natural, non-toxic ways to treat his patients and eventually developed his range of flower essences.

Bach's dedication to his craft was remarkable—he hand-made chairs and a special cabinet for his essences in his treatment room to create an inviting environment for his clients. His work laid the foundation for modern flower essences, and many of his remedies are still used today.

Making Your Own Flower Essences

People often ask me if flower essences are the same as essential oils or tinctures. The answer is no. Flower essences are different—they don't have a strong aroma like essential oils and are more akin to holy water than a medicinal tincture.

To make a flower essence, you need some basic equipment:

  • Wild water: Fresh, uncontaminated water is essential.
  • Crystal bowl or chalice: A clear container to hold the water and flowers.
  • Glass dropper bottles: For storing the finished essence.
  • Fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth: To strain the flower essence.
  • Funnel: For transferring the essence into dropper bottles.
  • Preservative: I prefer brandy, but any alcohol with at least 50 proof works in a pinch. If you're alcohol sensitive, some people also use vinegar.

The process is simple and can be done in your backyard with a variety of flowers. However, ethical wildcrafting is crucial. Ensure the site isn't contaminated, there are enough mature, seed-producing plants, and that the plants aren't endangered. Always seek permission to harvest if the site isn't your own.

Ethical Wildcrafting and Safety

When harvesting plants from the wild, ask yourself:

  • Is the site contaminated? Avoid areas near roadways or fields with chemical runoff.
  • Are there enough mature plants? Ensure the plant population can sustain harvesting.
  • Is the plant endangered? Avoid picking endangered species.
  • Do I have permission? Ensure you have the right to harvest from the site.

Additionally, be aware of poisonous plants in your region. Avoid making essences from plants like poison ivy, poison oak, yellow lady slipper, and giant hogweed, as they can be harmful.


The Importance of Wild Water

The water used in flower essences is critical as it forms the basis of the medicine. Good vibrational medicine requires a strong, clean water source. Whether traveling or at home, find a nearby spring source for the best results. In Canada, there are many aquifers and springs to choose from. For instance, the Gold Bar Spring in Edmonton and a mountain spring outside of Hinton on Highway 40 are some of my favorites in Alberta.

Despite the common belief that wild water is dangerous, for making flower essences, it’s ideal due to its inherent consciousness. Ensuring the cleanliness of these springs, participating in local activism, and maintaining these sources are crucial for making high-quality essences. You can find a spring near you using

A Few of My Favourite Flower Essences and Their Benefits

Here are a few of my favourite flower essences and what they can offer:

Indian Paintbrush

Indian Paintbrush is all about creativity. It encourages new directions, listening, and trust. This plant needs a companion to grow, which symbolizes the interconnectedness required for creativity. It helps bring creative projects to life by providing the necessary framework and inspiration.


Known as "liquid focus," Bunchberry is a small plant that helps with mental clarity and focus. It aids in laying the groundwork for projects and provides the concentration needed to see them through.

Wild Strawberry

This essence emphasizes prosperity and abundance. It helps with gratitude and connection, teaching that the natural world is abundant and so are we. Working with berry plants can shift our mindset from scarcity to abundance.

Douglas Fir

Douglas Fir is excellent for grounding and integrating thoughts. It promotes presence, stillness, and truth, making it perfect for those feeling scattered. Its affirmations include standing strong, making decisions through stillness, and allowing relaxation.

Work with Me

I am available for wild alchemy appointments, where we can explore flower essences tailored to your needs. This subtle energy medicine can significantly impact your emotional and physical well-being. I'd love to discuss how we can work together to incorporate these essences into your life.